9/10/23 Updated: Initial version of HTML note is finished.

9/18/23 Updated: New features of HTML5 are added.

Disclaimer: This passage contains notes and insights gathered from atguigu in bilibili. The content is used for educational purposes and attributed to the original authors. I do not claim any ownership over the material. For the full and original content, please visit the html tutorial from atguigu.


Docs from Mozilla

Playground from Mozilla

Meta Docs from MDN

Global Attributes Docs from MDN

Entity Docs from MDN

HTML Basic Knowledge


Related Tutorial from atguigu

How Computer Treats with Data:

  • Encoding Data when computer is storing file.
  • Decoding Data when computer is reading file.

Both rules will follow charset defined such as UTF-8, GBK, ISO 8859-1.

Storing & Opening Rules:

  1. When we are storing a text file in Chinese with an unsuitable charset such as ISO 8859-1, the data inside will become question-mark; they will be lost. Cannot Recover!
  2. When we are opening a text file with different encoding method, we will see unrecognized sections in the data file. Reopening with the Correct Charset Fixes the Issue!

HTML Structure

Related Tutorial from atguigu

<!DOCTYPE html>                        <!--HTML5 Declaration-->
<html lang="zh-CN"> <!--Telling browser the language used-->
<meta charset="utf-8"> <!--We can also use "UTF-8"-->
Hello, world!

Special Tags

  • <br>: New Line

  • <hr>: Separator Line

  • <pre>: Keep format of the code

Hello Hello Hello
Hello Hello
<!-- Output all new lines and spaces -->

Block & Inline Elements


Related Tutorial from atguigu

Block & Inline Elements from W3Schools


  • Block Elements: A block-level element always starts on a new line, and the browsers automatically add some space (a margin) before and after the element.
  • Inline Elements: An inline element does not start on a new line, and only takes up as much width as necessary.

Using Rules

  1. Block Elements can almost have Inline Elements and Block Elements inside. Programmer can write anything inside it except under some special rules.

    • <p>, <div>, <h1> - <h6>, …
  2. Inline Elements can only have Inline Elements, and they cannot have Block Elements.

    • <span>, <input>, …
  3. Special Rules:

    • <h1> - <h6> cannot be embedded with each other inside. For example:

      Hello, world!
    • <p> cannot have Block Elements inside.

    • … (More will be learned in the future)

Text Tags

  • <em>: emphasize reading content.
  • <strong>: important content (stronger than <em>).
  • <span>: no meaning; it’s just a genral wrapper.

The Text tags are usually inline elements. But some like blockquote and address are block elements.

Image Tags


  • src: the photo path.
  • alt: the description of the photo.
  • width: the width px of the photo.
  • height: the height px of the photo.

The image will remain the ratio between width and height unless user change both of them.

“alt” Usage

  • Good for SEO since when the search engine reads the alt attribute, it will know the content of the image.
  • When the image cannot be loaded normally, some brower will display the value of alt.
  • The reading aid for blind can read the value of alt to let people knows.

Image Formats

First Part of Related Tutorial from atguigu

Second Part of Related Tutorial from atguigu

  • .jpg or .jpeg: a kind of lossy compressing format

    • Does not support transparent background and dynamic pictures.
    • For those environments that don’t require extremely high quality of the image.
  • .png: a kind of lose-less compressing format

    • Supports transparent background.
    • Higher image quality than .jpeg.
    • Company logo image or important images.
  • .gif: Mainly for dynamic images

    • Supports only 256 colors, and simple transparent background.
  • .webp: an image format developed for the website

    • Some old browsers do not support this kind of file extension.
    • Equipped with all advantages that other images have.
  • base64: a string of special text that the image is encoded by method base64

    • Only browser can recognize it and convert it to the image.
    • We can use base64 to encode some small images.


Related Tutorial from atguigu

<!-- Open new tab to jump to the other website -->
<a href="https://xxx.com" target="_blank">Link1</a>

<!-- Use self tab to jump to the other website -->
<a href="https://xxx.com" target="_self">Link2</a>
  • <a> is inline element but it can embed all other elements except itself.
  • Multiple spaces or newlines will be rendered as one space.

Jump to Anchor

Related Tutorial from atguigu

Setup Anchors

<!-- 1. using tag <a> with attribute "name" -->
<a name="test1"></a>

<!-- 2. using other tags with attribute "id" -->
<p id="test2"></p>


<!-- jump to test1 -->
<a href="#test1">Link1</a>

<!-- jump to top of the page -->
<a href="#">Top</a>

<!-- jump to other page's anchor -->
<a href="demo.html#test1">demo.html test1</a>

<!-- refresh the page -->
<a href="">Refresh page</a>

<!-- execute js or empty. Syntax is: javascript:; -->
<a href="javascript:alert(1);">alert!</a>

Jump to Application

Related Tutorial from atguigu

<a href="tel:xxxx">Call</a>

<a href="mailto:[email protected]">Email</a>

<a href="sms:xxxx">SMS</a>



It is better not to use <li> out of a list although it behaves like unordered list.


  • <ol>: Ordered List

<!-- Output
1. A
2. B
3. C
  • <ul>: Unordered List

<!-- Output
* A
* B
* C
  • <dl>: Defined List
    • defined title(term) : defined data


<!-- Output



A complete Table <table> is consist of four parts:

  • Table Caption <caption>
  • Table Header <thead>
    • Row <tr>
      • Header Cell <th>
  • Table Body <tbody>
    • Row <tr>
      • Data Cell <td>
  • Table Foot <tfoot>
    • Row <tr>
      • Data Cell <td>
<caption>Hello World</caption>
<!-- First Element -->

<!-- Second Element -->
<td>Total: 2</td>


Playground from Mozilla

Tag Name Tag Meaning Attributes
<table> table width: the width of the table. height: the minimum height of the table, and the final height may be higher. border: set the width of the table. cellspacing: the space between cells.
<thead> table header height: the height of the table header. align: the way to align cell horizontally; 1) left 2) center 3) right. valign:the way to align cell vertically; 1) top 2) middle 3) bottom
<tbody> table body Same as <thead>
<tr> table row Same as <thead>
<tfoot> table footer Same as <thead>
<td> table data cell width: the width of the cell, and all same column cells will be effected. height: the height of the cell, and all same row cells will be effected. align: the way to set the cell alignment horizontally. valign: the way to set the cell alignment vertically. rowspan: indicate the number of rows being combined. colspan: indicate the number of columns being combined.
<th> table header cell Same as <td>
<table border="1" width="300" height="600" cellspacing="0">
<caption>Hello World</caption>
<thead height="300" align="right" valign="bottom">
<tbody height="400" align="left" valign="middle">
<!-- First Element -->
<tr height="700">
<td width="1000">David</td>

<!-- Second Element -->
<tfoot height="100" align="center" valign="top">
<td>Total: 2</td>



  • <form>: form body
    • "action": indicate the address that form will be sent.
    • "target": control the way about how to open the page
      • "_self": open in the local tab
      • "method": control the method that how the form will be sent. GET, POST,…
  • <input>: input area
    • type: the type of input
      • "text"
      • "radio:" can set disabled, checked
      • "password"
      • "checkbox:" can set disabled, checked
      • "hidden": it will not be shown, and it’s only for some fixed field
      • "submit": submit the form to the action
      • "reset": reset all elements inside the form
      • "button": normal button
    • name: the field name that will be submitted
    • value: the default field value
    • maxlength: the maximum length that can be input
  • <button>: default is “submit”

Other elements


<select name="from">


<textarea name="msg" rows="22" cols="3">TEXTAREA</textarea>


When we want the effect that clicking the field name makes the cursor focusing on that field input, <label> is useful.

First Method

<label for="account">Account</label>
<input id="account" type="text" name="account" maxlength="10">

Second Method

Account: <input id="account" type="text" name="account" maxlength="10">

Fieldset & Legend

<fieldset> can classify the form elements, and <legend> is the titile of the type.

<legend>Main Info</legend>
Account: <input id="account" type="text" name="account" maxlength="10">



<iframe>: Embedding other websites or files into the website

  • name: the name of the iframe which can work with the attribute target (shown below).
  • width: the width of the iframe window.
  • height: the height of the iframe window.
  • frameborder: whether shows border; 0 or 1.


<!-- Embedding a normal website -->
<iframe src="https://www.wikipedia.org" width="900" height="300"></iframe>

<!-- Embedding other resources -->
<iframe src="./resources/hello.pdf" width="900" height="300"></iframe>

<!-- Using the attribute target of <a> -->
<a href="https://www.wikipedia.org" target="container">Click to view wikipedia</a>

<!-- Using <form> to work with iframe -->
<form action="https://so.toutiao.com/search" target="container">
<input type="text" name="keyword">
<input type="submit" value="submit">

<iframe name="container" frameborder="0" width="900" height="300" ></iframe>


  • Embedding AD into the website.
  • Working with the attribute target of hyperlink and form to express different contents.

Content Below is about new features of HTML5 (H5).

H5 General

HTML5 is latest HTML standard created on 10/2014 by W3C.


  1. Implemented a lot of useful interfaces for javascript.
  2. Added more semantic labels and global attributes.
  3. Updated multi-media supports which will perfectly replace flash.
  4. Focused more on semantization which is beneficial for SEO.
  5. Provided a better method to adapt on or migrate to mobile devices.


Supported Chrome, Safari, Opera, Firefox.

IE browser must have version 9 and above that can support H5, and version 9 can only support part of H5.

H5 Semantic Labels

  • header: The header of the whole page or the part.
  • footer: The footer of the whole page or the part.
  • nav: The navigation part.
  • article: The article, blog, news, comments, and etc.
  • section: A paragraph or a part of words in a page.
  • aside: The aside bar.

About article and section

  1. article can have multiple section inside.
  2. section emphasizes part and section; it is suggested to use section if the content will be splited into multiple parts.
  3. article focuses more on independency; so it is better to use article if the content is complete and independent.

H5 Status Labels

Label Meter


meter is used for measuring conditions such as battery usage, disk usage; it can also be called gauge.


  • high: The high value.
  • low: The low value.
  • max: The maximum value.
  • min: The minimum value.
  • optimum: The optimum value; if its value is set, which means the two closed gauges will be regarded as optimum.
  • value: The current value.

Label Progress


progress is used for indicating the progress of a task such as work task.


max: The goal value.

value: The current value.

H5 List Labels

  • datalist: Used for keywords hint in search bar.
  • details: Used for showing questions and answers, or explaining the term.
  • summary: Written in details to indicate the question or the term.
<input type="text" list="mydata">
<datalist id="mydata">
<option value="xyz">xyz</option>
<option value="xab">xab</option>
<option value="acd">acd</option>
<option value="ycd">ycd</option>
<summary>Hello World</summary>

H5 Text Labels

  • ruby: Used for wrapping words that need annotations.
  • rt: Annotation written in ruby.
  • mark: Used for marking the keywords obtained from the searching result.

H5 Form Element Attributes

  • placeholder: Used for hinting words.
    • It is not the default value (attribute value is default one)
    • It is appropriate for texting input element.
  • required: The input element is mandatory with value.
  • autofocus: Automatically focus on the input element when open the page.
  • autocomplete: Automatically complete the texting input element.
    • Set with on or off.
    • password and textarea are not suitable.
  • pattern: Used for regular expression to validate the value input in.
    • textarea and empty element will no be validated.
    • required is usually used together.

H5 Input Types & Attributes

  • The input element can be one of the following types: email, url, number, search, tel, range, color, date, month, week, time, datetime-local. Check here for details.
  • novalidate: If form is set with this attribute, the form will not be validated.

H5 Video Label

<video> is used for define video.

  • src: URL address for the video.

  • width/height: The width/height of the video.

  • controls: Show user about the video widgets.

  • muted: Mute the video.

  • autoplay: automatically play the video except it has muted; but if the media engagement of this website is high enough, it is possible to autoplay the video without muted.

  • loop: Play the video periodically.

  • poster: The url of the cover of the video.

  • preload: Preload the video. But it will be disabled by using it with autoplay.

    • auto: Let browser decide how much video should be preloaded.
    • metadata: Only preload metadata of the video.
    • none: Do not preload video.

H5 Audio Label

<audio> is used for defining audio.

  • src: URL address for the audio.
  • controls: Show user about the audio widgets.
  • muted: Mute the audio.
  • autoplay: automatically play the audio.
  • loop: Play the audio periodically.
  • preload: Preload the audio. But it will be disabled by using it with autoplay.
    • auto: Let browser decide how much audio should be preloaded.
    • metadata: Only preload metadata of the audio.
    • none: Do not preload audio.

H5 Global Attributes

  • contenteditable: Indicate if the element can be editable. true / false
  • draggable: Indicate if the element can be dragged. true / false
  • hidden: Hide the element without keeping space.
  • spellcheck: Set if spell check will be applied to the element. true / false
  • contextmenu: Shows when users right click their mouse. It is used for customized right click menu.
  • data-*: Used for storing customized page data; it is for js in the future.

H5 Compatibility

<!-- Set IE always using latest mode to render -->
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge">

<!-- Use webkit (Chromium) kernal to render -->
<meta name="renderer" content="webkit">

html5shiv.js is developed by Google in order to realize partial features of HTML5 on old browsers.

<!--[if lt ie 9]>
<script src="../sources/js/html5shiv.js"></script>
  1. lt less than.
  2. lte less than and equal to.
  3. gt greater than.
  4. gte greater than and equal to.
  5. ! logical negate.